Prana – essence of Life

Prana is not merely a philosophical concept; it is in every sense a physical substance. Just as radioactive or electromagnetic waves exist even though we can’t see them, in the same way, in this physical body, there are pranic waves and a pranic field. Now, each of us has a certain quantity of prana in […]

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The Five Upa-Pranas

The five Upa-Pranas regulate important functions in the human body.  NAGA – Burping Removes blockages of Prana and Apana and prevents gas formation in the digestive system. Constant suppression of Naga can lead to Cardiac Arrhythmia. Other functions include triggering of the vomit reflex due to indigestion and dissolving blockages of Samana Prana. KURMA – […]

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Prana and tipe of Prana

Prana is energy, vitality, power. Prana is the foundation and essence of all life; the energy and vitality that permeates the entire Universe. Prana flows in everything that exists. Prana is divided into ten main functions:  The five Pranas – Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana and Samana.  The five Upa-Pranas – Naga, Kurma, Devadatta, Krikala and […]

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Kundalini Awakening Technic

According to yogic terminology the force of Kundalini is supposed to be raised through meditative exercises and activated within the concept of a subtle body, a body of energy and finer substance   The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of the heart muscle […]

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Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini-experiences are often understood in terms of the Hindu chakra system, the understanding of psycho-spiritual energy centers along the spine. According to Hindu tradition the Kundalini raises from the root-chakra up through the spinal channel, called sushumna, and it is believed to activate each chakra it goes through. Although the opening of higher chakras are […]

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Kundalini energy

When the Kundalini springs forth, there is a tremendous energy surge. It is likened to a cosmic explosion within a tiny structure, the body. This may be felt throughout the body as a vibration, buzzing, stinging sensation sometimes see as a kaleidoscope of rushing dancing lights in the mind’s eye. An inner light, heavenly sounds, […]

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Crown Chakra

Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, IAST: Sahasrāra, English: “thousand-petaled”) or crown chakra is the seventh primary chakra, according to Hindu tradition. The Sahasrara is described as having 1,000 multi-colored petals, which are arranged in 20 layers, each layer with approximately 50 petals. The pericarp is golden and within it a circular moon region is inscribed with a […]

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Brow / Third Eye Chakra

Ajna (Sanskrit: आज्ञा, IAST: Ājñā, English: “command”) or third-eye chakra is the sixth primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. Ajna is white in color, with two white petals. Inside the pericarp is the Shakti Hakini. Ajna has two white petals, said to represent the psychic channels (nadis) Ida and Pingala, which meet the central Sushumna […]

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