Chakras and Essential Oils

Chakras and Essential OilsImage result for Chakras and Essential Oils fantasy art

A chakra is described Balanced Chakras Reduce Anxiety | Chakra balancing tips infographic | Meditation | Mindfulness | Mental health & self-careas spinning vortex of biophysical energy or “Wheel of Light” that absorbs and transmits universal energy in and out of the body. There are seven main chakras, each positioned at specific points along the spine. Each charka represents a specific gland as well as sub-conscious and conscious states of mind. The chakra system is an integral part in maintaining the overall health and well-being of the mind, body and spirit, balancing our “Prana” or “Life Force”.

The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel,” as well as “circle” and “cycle”. It’s described by many as a spinning wheel of light. Of the 88,000 chakras within the human body, seven are considered of PRINCIPAL importance and are referred to as the “major chakras”.In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, a chakra (Sanskrit: Cakra, Pali : Cakka) is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called Nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It’s believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.

The 7 chakras are part of the most commonly known chakra system made of seven energy centres’ located along the spine and ending in the brain, from the perineum area to the top of the head.

The mainstream chakra system is based on a Hindu chakra system that recognizes seven distinct “wheels” or “centre’s” of energy that are perpetually in motion along the human body’s spinal column. Each possessing its own color and vibrational frequency, these wheels are the catalysts of consciousness and human function. They govern various emotional issues, from our survival instincts and self-esteem to our ability to communicate and experience love.Each chakra is depicted as a lotus flower, each with a specific number of petals. The more petals the lotus flower has, the higher the frequency of energy that the chakra is attuned to. For example: The lower chakras have fewer petals, with the crown chakra having 1000 petals.

The lotus flower represents a doorway to the opening of the universe. Each chakra or lotus flower can be closed, partially open or fully open, reflecting the individual’s inner consciousness and the stage at which they are experiencing in life. As one progresses through life, symbolically the petals of the specific chakra unfold and begin to open, letting the universal energy flow in and out of the chakra. To reach spiritual enlightenment is to have all of the major chakras open and flowing with universal energy, balancing the mind, body & spirit. It can take several life times to fully open the 1000 petals of your crown chakra and reach spiritual enlightenment.

It’s important to remember that the location of the seven chakras varies slightly depending on the traditions or school of thoughts. Some may place the second one slightly to the left of the body, at the level of the spleen, while others will place it lower at the level of the gonads.

Even though the 7 chakras are associated with specific parts of the body, they are not “physical” entities per se, but belong to the realm of “subtle energy”.  They can be described at the crossroad of the material and the immaterial, the biological and the spiritual, and pertain to the body, mind, and spirit all together.

It is believed that we each have seven primary chakras and 21 lesser chakras are thought to also exist. Chakras are also sometimes referred to as energy centers or vortices. Each chakra is thought to resemble a colored wheel that spins in a clockwise direction, and the chakras are thought to each spin at a different rate or frequency.

Chakras are invisible to the naked eye and interconnect our physical and spiritual selves. Each of the seven chakras is tied directly to a specific region and nerve center of the body.

It is believed that each of the chakras absorbs and filters the energy that we emit through our thoughts and actions as well as through the thoughts and actions of all those that we come into contact with. When one of the chakras is out of balance as a result of negative energy flowing through it, it begins to spin too slowly or too fast. When a chakra is not balanced, it can effect that physical region of the body and also effect very specific aspects of our spiritual and emotional selves.

Chakra infographic
chakramumbles magic witchcraft witchblr witch resources chakras seven chakrasThe seven chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through.

Base or Root Chakra
Sanskrit: Muladahra “Support”
Lotus Petals: 4 petals
Color: RED
Crystals: Red Japser, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Garnet
Located: The base of the spinal cord
Gland: Adrenals

Essential oils to activate: myrrh, patchouli, cedar wood

The base Chakra is associated with your survival and animal instincts, the flight or fight response as well as grounding you to the earth plane. Is said to be the chakra with which you can grow roots into the ground to receive energy and ground yourself to Mother Earth and your physical reality.

Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit: Swadhisthana “Home of the Life Force”
Lotus Petals: 6 petals
Crystals: Carnelian, Citrine (dark), Orange Calcite, Topaz
Located: At the level of the sacrum
Gland: Ovaries/Prostate

Essential oils to activate: jasmine, ylang ylang. The Sacral Chakra is associated with how you perceive the world around you, such as your ability to connect to people, nature, material objects and the universe. It directly affects how we perceive the world based on our individual experiences. It is also associated with ones sexuality.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit: Manipura “Jewel of the Naval”
Lotus Petals: 10 petals
Crystals: Tiger Eye, Citrine, Malachite
Located: One inch above the naval
Gland: Pancreas

Essential oils to activate: rosemary, ginger, lemon

The Solar Plexus is associated with how you perceive yourself, and is strongly connected to your relationships and emotions. How you perceive yourself deeply effects the way people perceive and interact with you. It is your seat of personal power.

Heart Chakra
Sanskrit: Anahata “Home of the Soul”
Lotus Petals: 12 petals
Color: GREEN
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Green Jade, Peridot
Located: Centre of the chest in line with the heart
Gland: Thymus

Essential oils to activate: rose, bergamot, thyme

The Heart chakra is associated with love and compassion, it is said to be the seat of the soul or the divine. When we can approach all aspects of life with true love and compassion it can be said that we have reached a true state of Nirvana or Enlightenment.

Throat Chakra
Sanskrit: Vishudda “Pure”
Lotus Petals: 16 petals
Color: BLUE
Crystals: Blue Quartz, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz
Located: The throat area
Gland: Thyroid

Essential oils to activate: palmarosa, camomile ginger, lemon

The Throat chakra is associated with communication and personal truth. It gives us the willpower to follow our true
desires whilst maintaining the aspects of truth and integrity. It is also the seat of expression and freewill.

Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit: Ajna “Command”
Lotus Petals: 96 petals
Colour: PURPLE
Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite
Located: Centre of the forehead just above the brow
Gland: Pineal

Essential oils to activate: clary sage, bay, helichrysm

The third eye is associated with mental concepts and inner sight of non-physical concepts such as clairvoyance, dreaming, intuition and inner knowing. It gives us the ability to view the world of the non-physical and is the connection to our deepest self or soul.

Crown Chakra
Sanskrit: Sahasrara “Thousand”
Lotus Petals: 1000 petals
Colour: WHITE
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Sugilite, Celestite
Located: Top of the head
Gland: Pituitary gland

Essential oils to activate: sandalwood, frankincense

The crown is associated with universal energy and spirituality. It is the seat with which one realizes the disconnectedness of all living things. It gives us knowledge and wisdom and enables us to connect with our own divinity becoming one with the whole universe.

The seven chakras are commonly associated with the following parts of the body:

The first one to the perineum, in the coccyx area

The second one to the lower belly, seen a few inches below the navel

The third one to the solar plexus

The fourth one to the center of the chest, slightly to the left of the physical heart

The fifth one to the throat, at the carotid plexus

The sixth one to the point between the eyebrows or “third eye”

The seventh one to the top of the cranium

Blocked energy in our seven chakras can often lead to illness, so it’s important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.Related image

Essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from various plants. They have been used for thousands of years for spiritual and emotional uplifting, cosmetic purposes and physical healing.

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.Essential oils give plants their distinctive smells, essential oils protect plants and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and their beautiful fragrance, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.A volatile aromatic compound are small organic molecules that tend to change quickly from their solid or liquid state to a gas at room temperature.

Chakra Balancing with Essential OilsThey are called volatile because they change state quickly. When you first open a bottle of essential oil, you instantly notice that the aroma is potent and you can smell it typically even from some distance. The physical and chemical properties of the volatile aromatic compounds that compose essential oils allow them to quickly move through the air and directly interact with the olfactory sensors in the nose. Such unique properties make essential oils ideal for applications inclusion in aromatherapy – using these compounds from plants to help maintain a healthy mind and body – as well as other applications. The type of volatile aromatic compounds present in an essential oil determines both the oil’s aroma and the benefits it offers.

Over 3,000 varieties of volatile aromatic compounds have been identified to date. The nature of an essential oil varies from plant to plant, within botanical families, and from species to species. The delicate ratio of aromatic constituents found in any given essential oil are what make it unique and give it specific benefits.Even with pure essential oils the composition of the oil can vary depending on the time of day, season, geographic location, method and duration of distillation, year grown, and the weather, making every step of the production process a critical determinant of the overall quality of the essential oil product. Essential oils can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used as single essential oils or in complex essential oil blends depending on user experience and desired benefit.Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature’s pure essence.The nature of an essential oil varies from plant to plant, within botanical families, and from species to species. The delicate ratio of aromatic constituents found in any given essential oil are what make it unique and give it specific benefits.The particles in essential oils come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels. In ancient times, Jews and Egyptians made essential oils by soaking the plants in oil and then filtering the oil through a linen bag.

The Flowering - Helena Nelson ReedEssential oil benefits come from their antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.Even with pure essential oils the composition of the oil can vary depending on the time of day, season, geographic location, method and duration of distillation, year grown, and the weather, making every step of the production process a critical determinant of the overall quality of the essential oil product.

Essential oils can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used as single essential oils or in complex essential oil blends depending on user experience and desired benefit.The essential oils can be mixed with coconut or olive oil, and applied topically by rubbing on the feet or corresponding chakra area. Alternatively, try an aromatherapy approach by using a diffuse, or or diluting in tea or water. You can also ingest these oils in capsule form.The influence that aromatic plant essential oils have on the body, mind and spirit in the practice of aromatherapy can be adapted to promote balanced chakra functioning. The idea is to apply activating essential oils to energize sluggish chakra function or calming oils to quiet over-active ones. Balancing oils are good candidates for maintaining support of well-regulated chakras. A combination of both activating and calming oils will tend to have an overall balancing and supportive benefit to the chakras. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

A foot massage is a great way to balance the root chakra which regulates your sense of groundedness and stability. Nutmeg will activate a sluggish root chakra, while patchouli and vetiver calm an over active one. Choose a balancing essential oil such as bergamot to help maintain a smoothly functioning root chakra.

The sacral chakra, which influences your sensuality, benefits from a lower back massage. Spicy cardamom essential oil awakens a dormant sacral chakra, while ylang ylang and neroli calm an over active one. Look to sweet orange and sandalwood to maintain a well functioning sacral chakra.

A gentle tummy massage influences the functioning of the solar plexus chakra which influences your gut instincts. Apply eucalyptus and juniper berry to acitvate the solar plexus, and vetiver or helichrysum to calm. Good balancing oils to apply to an already well expressed solar plexus chakra are grapefruit and lemon.

The emotional center that is the heart chakra readily benefits from a supportive perfumed annointing oil applied to the breast bone or massage into the middle backarea. Palmarossa essential oil will open the heart chakra, while lavender and sweet marjoram will quiet it down. Try regular applications of geranium essential oil to maintain a well functioning heart chakra.

A body spray applied to chest and neck areas is an efficient way to influence the functioning of the throat chakra which influences your expressiveness and communication. Turn to lemon essential oil to open a sluggish throat chakra, and vanilla or Roman chamomile to calm.

Airmid MoreCoriander seed is a balancing oil to maintain the even expression of the throat chakra.

The visionary, awareness supporting third eye chakra can be influenced with an anointing oil applied to the forehead or through simple diffusion and inhalation. Rosemary essential oil will open a sleeping third eye chakra, while German chamomile will stabilize and focus this visionary chakra. Frankincense or sandalwood are good choices to maintain a clear and balanced third eye chakra.

A room diffusion applied to the airspace around you is the best way to balance the transcendent crown chakra which occupies the space above the crown of your head. Spicy sweet lavandin clarifies a low functioning crown chakra, while neroli or vanilla calm. Look to frankincense to maintain a well functioning crown chakra.

  1. Select the chakra essential oils that you will be using. I wouldn’t choose more than one oil per chakra for a session.
  2. Create your anointing oil. Blend each EO with a carrier oil such as jojoba or grapeseed oil at a dilution of 1-10 drops of EO per ounce of carrier oil. (This is vibrational medicine, and a very, very diluted blend will do.) Label each blend.
  3. Put your anointing oil blends in a place where they’ll be accessible to you you once you lie down.
  4. Lie down on a comfortable surface, wearing loose clothes that you don’t mind getting oil on. Attend to your comfort with a blanket and a pillow under your knees or head if needed. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and slowly into your belly (actually into the lower third of your lungs, but your belly will rise and fall if you’re doing it correctly!).
  5. Set your intention for this healing session. If you’re just going to work with one chakra, set the specific intention for that one. If you’re going to work with the whole system, set a general intention for this healing.
  6. If you’re only going to work with one energy center, anoint it with the chakra essential oil you’ve chosen. Use only a few drops, and apply it slowly in a clockwise direction with your fingertips.

For the root, you can anoint the soles of your feet, or your low back.

If you’re going to work with the whole A bouquet of psychoactive botanicals - Cannabis, Artemesia, Spanish Broom, Opium Poppy, Morning Glory, & Snake Root mixed with a drop of Absinthe. 5system, you can proceed in either of two ways. You can start at the crown and work your way down, in order, to the first chakra (sky to earth–e.g. for helping ground and center, relieve headaches and anxiety, manifest something on a physical plane); or you can go the other way, starting at the root and working your way up to the crown (earth to sky–e.g. for raising energy to a higher vibration, enhancing spiritual development, increasing physical energy). Don’t worry about the direction choice–just go with what feels right.

As you anoint each one, you may want to set a specific intention for its healing, sense the energy of the oil, and visualize its harmonious energy working to open, balance, and “tune.”

After all have been anointed, simply rest for a while, allowing your energy to be balanced and cleared by the oils. Breathe slowly and evenly; empty your mind as much as possible, going into the “space between thoughts.”

When it feels right, end the healing.

Gently return your awareness to the here and now, and allow yourself to transition slowly back into your daily life. Drink a glass of water, and perhaps eat a piece of fruit.

You may want to write in your journal about what you’ve experienced.

Watch for gentle, positive changes for the next week or so.

Diffusion Method For Using Chakra Essential Oils

This works best if you’re working with a single chakra. Following the directions that came with your diffuser, diffuse your chosen chakra essential oil. Set your intention for healing, sense the energy of the oil, and visualize its harmonious energy opening, balancing, and “tuning” of the chakra. Meditate, rest, or practice yoga for a half an hour or so. In particular, doing yoga that opens and stretches the area of the body near the selected energy center may be helpful.

Chakra Essential Oil Healing 

Our chakras — like any aspect of our selves–are energetic patterns, or vibrations. These patterns can be disrupted–blocked, skewed, distorted, etc. Restoring harmony and order to the energy of the chakra will return it to a state of health–i.e., will heal it.

Anything that has a harmonious, orderly energy pattern/vibration can help to entrain our energy back to a harmonious state. Vola (book 2) the fairy left behind

Pure essential oils have that inherent harmony and order in their energy pattern. Like anything with harmonious energy, they can be used to heal the chakras.Each type of oil resonates with a slightly different energy pattern/vibrates on a different frequency, and will relate more closely to the ideal energy pattern of one of your chakras. Its pure resonance can be used to help that chakra return to its ideal vibration or energy pattern and a higher state of health.Like any subtle energy method of healing, the user’s intention is critical. A pure healing intention is the most important key to making the healing work.

Essential Oils are extracted from nature’s most generous trees, herbs, plants, seeds and fruits.They can be beneficial when used in three ways: topically, aromatically, and internally.

Most oils are suited to topical application and can be used to heal and soothe.Some should be diluted in a carrier oil, especially for those with sensitive skin.Simply breathing in the molecules allows them to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and can positively affect both your mind & body.Either by inhaling right from the bottle, rubbing between the palms and inhaling, or diffusing into the air.Some oils are even beneficial when ingested; either added to food or water, or swallowed in a capsule.

Top tips for ‘chakra balance’ aromatherapy

Now you know which essential oils you can use, you can get blending!  Below are some of our top tips, followed by techniques and blend ideas. Whichever you choose, though, the key is to use essential oils ‘mindfully’ so you notice the subtle changes going on in your body, mind and soul as you balance your chakras. Whilst using your essential oils, create a safe and happy space, allow yourself quiet time and listen to yourself: hold your space and let your intuition guide you. This is always important when working with energetic therapy.Work with the aromatherapy oils that you feel help address your chakra energy imbalances. Also, let your nose guide you – choose the scents you like.

When using the oils,it is good to keep a note,to write down about which oils you have chosen, writing about how they made you feel or what you noticed during and after. Notice how you feel after using the essential oils and the different techniques, compared to how you felt before. Get in-tune with your body.Try using the oils every day for a week – try a week of different techniques – see which ones you like – and then try using the same (your favourite) technique for a week and notice the difference. Try a variety of oils in different blends; see which ones have the best effects. Mix it up!

TechniquesHestia - Virgin goddess of the hearth, home and cooking.

Try self-healing with a full ‘Seven Chakra Balance.’ Create a safe space for healing with a lovely candle in a dark and quiet room. Select one essential oil for each chakra and put a few drops of each oil on a separate cotton pad, lining your 7 pads up in order. Starting with the base chakra, inhale using your base chakra cotton pad whilst holding your hands on or over your base chakra (lower abdomen or feet) with the intention of healing, also focusing on regulating your breath.  Work your way up your body, working each chakra with its relative oil, until you reach the crown chakra. Notice how it feels – where are the imbalances?  This is my personal favourite tip for chakra balancing!

Diffuse your chosen blend into the room, day or night – add 3 drops of up to 3 different essential oils in water in your candle burner or aromatherapy diffuser. Allow yourself time and space to sit with the scents and let your mind drift.  This is great whilst meditating, especially with crown chakra blends!

Mix 2 drops of up to 3 different oils in 15ml of carrier oil – such as Grapeseed or Sweet Almond – and massage your chakra blends into the area of the body you are focusing on. This will mean that the essential oils get absorbed into your blood stream and can stay in your body, working to balance your chakras, for up to a week.  This is great for things like throat, heart, solar plexus and sacral chakra balancing – and can be really relaxing too!

Create a spritz of your favourite blend and use it during yoga, breathwork or meditation! Add up to 30 drops of essential oils in 100ml of a chosen hydrolat and pop it in a spray bottle. A lovely grounding blend could work wonderfully here!

Add a few drops of the essential oils you have chosen into a bath blend – mix up to 2 drops each of 3 essential oils with half a cup of full fat milk and pop it into your bath! Or try adding to 15ml of Base Formula’s SLS Free Bath & Shower Gel!  Whilst you are in the bath, sit and focus your attention on sending energy to the particular chakra you want to help balance, breathing into that part of the body.  Notice how it feels.

Try an aura cleanse! Whilst your chakras are within your body, they also extend into your aura which is the energetic field surrounding your body.  Select the oils you want to work with and place them on a cotton pad next to the bed so you can inhale them.  Lemon, Lime and Bergamot are great cleansing oils for this!  Lying on your back, take your hands about 1-2 feet away from your body, slowly start to hover your hands over your base chakra (feet) and see if you can feel a slight resistance as you enter into your aura.  Once you feel it, work your way up all your chakras, inhaling and exhaling the scent of your blend, with the intention of cleansing your aura.

Bergamot oil – Use in a diffuser as an antidepressant, relaxant and stimulant. Use in a compress as an antibiotic, analgesic and disinfectant.

Lavender oil – Use in a diffuser for allergies and to calm the mind, body and spirit. Can be used directly on the skin for minor burns and dry skin. Best essential oil for sleep.

Clary Sage oil – Use in a diffuser as an antidepressant, aphrodisiac, anti-anxiety, and relaxant. Can be used directly on the skin as an antibacterial, antiseptic, and for rashes and dry skin. Dilute before using in sensitive areas.

Cinnamon oil – Used in aromatherapy as a sexual stimulant and an excellent air freshener. Also repels mosquitoes. Always dilute before applying to the skin for pain relief. Do not use in sensitive areas.

Eucalyptus oil – Can be used in a diffuser for respiratory problems, including asthma, mental exhaustion, and for killing bacteria and germs in the air. Eucalyptus oil is known for its antiseptic qualities and can be massaged on the skin for muscle and joint pain and to treat skin infections. This oil is also a great natural remedy for head lice. Great to use in the bath to reduce a fever and for its antiseptic and refreshing attributes.

Grapefruit oil – Use in aromatherapy to uplift the mind and the body. Can be used to energize the solar plexus chakra! Dilute before using on the skin.

Lemon oil – Used in aromatherapy to eliminate odors and replenish your mind, body and spirit. Lemon oil is also an excellent cleaner and can be used to remove carpet stains and sanitize surfaces (dilute before use). Can be used on the skin for corns, improved circulation, and to improve oily skin.

Patchouli oil – Some of the many benefits of using this oil in aromatherapy are reducing tension, reducing anxiety, helping with insomnia, and uplifting the mind. Patchouli oil is also an excellent aphrodisiac! It can also repel insects. Dilute before using on the skin for acne, eczema, irritated skin, athlete’s foot and dandruff. Patchouli oil is also used in many anti-aging products.

Rosemary oil – Use in aromatherapy to help with concentration, as an anti-depressant, as an odor eliminator and as a stress reliever. Dilute this oil to help with hair growth! Rosemary is also a great antiseptic and helps with acne and eczema.

Spearmint oil – Used in aromatherapy as a relaxant and decongestant, this oil is perfect for asthma sufferers. Use on the skin as a disinfectant and a great natural way to repel mosquitoes. Has also been used for athlete’s foot and in a compress for headaches.

Essencial Oils on the body

Do you need safer, more effective health solutions? Essential oils may be the answer you are looking for. What is the history of essential oils? Essential oils have been used throughout recorded history for a wide variety of wellness applications. The Egyptians were some of the first people to use aromatic essential oils extensively in medicalContinue